

Please read on for more information regarding harvest operations and to find important documentation regarding fees and warehousing terms and conditions.



Login to the T-Ports grower portal

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Online induction

The safety of all who enter our sites and the preservation of the quality of the grain products we handle is paramount to our sustained success. We need your cooperation to ensure our sites remain safe and your grain remains contaminant free.

T-Ports requires all people over the age of 15 who enters a T-Ports site to have completed an online induction. At the completion of your training, you will receive an access card. This must be carried with you at all times and may be requested by a T Ports representative at any time.

Please ensure you complete the induction carefully, adding your mailing address, so the induction card can be mailed to you. While waiting for your card to arrive, please print a copy of the certificate once you have completed the online induction.

Grain Marketing Options


ADM provide daily cash pricing for T-Ports Lock, Kimba and Lucky Bay sites. Register directly with ADM for regular pricing updates.

ADM can also provide ex-farm pricing for post harvest delivery where growers can take advantage of freight efficiencies.

Louis Dreyfus Company

Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC) provide cash pricing at T-Ports Lock, Kimba and Lucky Bay sites.

Call Oliver Reid direct for pricing:

0411 102 405


AWB / Cargill provide cash pricing for T-Ports Lock, Kimba and Lucky Bay sites.

Contact AWB / Cargill directly for up-to-date pricing information.

Australian Grain Export

Australian Grain Export Pty Ltd (AGE) is a grain marketing company founded in 1996 in the Mid North of South Australia (Maitland). 

Please contact AGE directly for up-to-date pricing information.

Flexi Grain

Flexi Grain is this year offering the Collaborative Export Program to growers who deliver grain to T-Ports. By exporting parcels of grain directly into global markets, Flexi Grain is able to access true global values for EP grain.

Flexi Grain will be actively managing price risk and providing regular strategy updates to participating growers.

Market Check

Market Check is an independent, Australian owned business that offers year-round grain marketing education and services to Australian farmers.

Please contact Market Check directly for up-to-date pricing information.

Contact your local grain broker or sell grain using Clear Grain Exchange.

As the first and only part-grower-owned alternative supply chain on the Eyre Peninsula, T-Ports is committed to delivering value to grain growers through competition in the supply chain. By partnering with growers, we are working to maximise grower returns.

THE SITUATION: Harvest logistics challenges


  • Large production seasons highlight logistical deficiencies in the paddock-to-delivery-site task.
  • Growers need to keep headers running to remove quality risk, shorten harvest timeframes, increase production and create labour efficiencies.
  • Trucks/carriers are at a premium during harvest. Even in poor years, it is difficult to increase carrier capacity.
  • On the Eyre Peninsula, there have previously been no incentives for on farm storage:
    • Too far from domestic end-users
    • Monopoly supply chain
    • Poor seasons, less capital to invest
  • Growers need encouragement to consider temporarily storing grain on farm.
  • Incentive programs need to assist paddock convenience and business financials.

    How can growers maximise returns? How can T-Ports encourage convenient throughput into our supply chain?

    THE SOLUTION: T-Ports off-peak program

    The T-Ports off-peak program will encourage existing use of temporary on farm storage (OFS) in bags, sheds or silos.

    • Grower saves delivering to a storage site during harvest – $5 to $6/t.
    • Grower uses own truck to deliver grain in mid-January/February to T-Ports (lowest cost – no harvest carrier premium, labour available, carrier off-peak rates also apply).
    • Grower can capitalise on aggressive harvest pricing to write forward contract for Jan/Feb delivery.
    • The program is not “buyers call” but rather coordinated with T-Ports via accumulation to export needs, increasing grower convenience. 


    • Fits with T-Ports strategic growth to continue to reduce farm gate costs.
    • Eliminates temporary on-farm storage costs.
    • Creates paddock convenience and logistics efficiencies.
    • Ability for all T-Ports traders to participate.
    • Talk to T-Ports participating traders about the ability to change tonnes between Nov/Dec – harvest and Jan/Feb – off peak deliveries to further increase on-farm convenience.
    • Low-cost staged approach to more permanent on farm storage.
    • Reduces need for long-term on farm grain quality / maintenance / fumigation tasks.
    • Encourages growers towards off-the-shelf temporary OFS, not expensive permanent assets.
    • Allows T-Ports to proactively coordinate and communicate with growers in Jan/Feb to coincide with export accumulation and fumigation plans

    *At trader’s discretion. Participation in T-Ports off-peak program only applies to those physical tonnes coordinated and delivered from on farm storage between 10 January and 28 February 2022. Information current at 11 August 2021 and subject to change at any time.


    T-Ports continues to operate in a COVID-safe manner and will continue to work with growers and carriers to ensure the health and wellbeing of our employees, growers, carriers, visitors and the broader community.

    Prior to harvest, any changes to delivery processes will be communicated with growers and carriers.


    If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to speak with the site manager or call Tim Gurney on 0428 867 070.

    Harvest Handbook

    The T-Ports Harvest Handbook contains detailed information on how to deliver grain to T-Ports. Before delivering to a T-Ports site, please read this Handbook to ensure you are up-to-date with T-Ports procedures.  

    The 2021/22 Harvest Handbook will be updated and published here prior to harvest. Please check back regularly for updates.



      • T-Ports provides storage for wheat and barley
      • All T-Ports Storage, Handling and Freight charges are available on the website: www.tports.com/harvest


      Active Binning

      Growers are able to capture more value for their grain at harvest with active binning at T-Ports Lock and Lucky Bay sites. The active binning system enables growers to potentially achieve higher grades for their grain for those times when key specifications fall marginally outside receival standards.

      Active binning is available for most wheat and barley grades and provides flexibility based on the quality parameters of protein, moisture, test weight and screenings.

      T-Ports will actively manage grain partitions with live quality statistics to ensure they are maintained within GTA outturn standards to ensure grain will be out turned to meet export requirements within specification. Active binning will cease to be offered or not be available for grades where GTA outturn standards cannot be achieved.




      T-Ports offers growers access to their grain stocks to enable warehouse transfers via an online grower portal.  A login will be created when a grower/carrier delivers to a T-Ports site.

      How do I access the web portal?

      Access to the portal will be activated after you deliver for the first time to a T-Ports site. When your NGR card is presented upon delivery, this will link your data from NGR into the T-Ports online data management system. You will then be able to visit the portal and use your NGR payee number to set up an account.

      The portal is now available at https://portal.tportsdev.bycommuserv.com.au/.

      How do I reset my password?

      Upon your first login this harvest, you will be required to reset your password. To do this, enter your username (Payee Number) and hit the “Forgot Password” link. You will be prompted to enter your username again and your email address. Your email address must be the same as the one you have registered with NGR.

      You will receive an email with a temporary password, which you will be prompted to change when you login next. When you log in, the Password Change dialog box is displayed, where you will be prompted to enter the new password.

      Your password must contain:

      • At least one upper case letter
      • At least one lower case letter
      • At least one number
      • At least one symbol

      Click Submit. Once the new password is accepted, you can navigate to the home page.

      Web Portal - Grower User Guide

      T-Ports has compiled a Web Portal User Guide with detailed information on performing various tasks within the portal. 

      What is a payee number and where do I find it?

      The payee number is issued by NGR and is made available to the growers when you first registered with NGR.

      Your Payee ID is an 8-digit number that is shown in brackets next to your Trading Name, either on an NGR form; through myNGR Online; or via my NGR Mobile. 

      You can also find your payee number on a remittance advice from a grain buyer.

      Alternatively, you can contact T-Ports on 1800 87 67 87 who will advise your payee number.

      How can I do warehouse to warehouse (grower to grower) transfer?

      Transferring grain from one NGR card to another is a straightforward process using the T-Ports web portal.

      To do a warehouse to warehouse transfer, simply follow the process for Making a Transfer as outlined in the User Guide, then select the NGR card you wish to transfer the grain to. Follow the rest of the steps and the grain will be transferred.

      How can I manage a sharefarming / split card arrangement?

      When a NGR card is set up as a split card, it is set up to split only the payments, not the entitlement (ownership) of the grain. Therefore, this should be considered before or at the time of delivery. If the two parties on the split card are likely to want to choose different marketing options, it is best to deliver on two NGR cards and split the loads.

       Alternatively, if the grain is warehoused on the split card, you can undertake a transfer using the T-Ports web portal.

       If quality data needs to be retained for payment purposes, the grower to grower transfer will need to be carried out ticket by ticket from the 60/40 card to the individual 100% NGR cards. This will mean two transfers for each ticket.

      Who can I contact if I need help?

      If you require assistance with the T-Ports web portal, please call 1800 87 67 87 and follow the prompts to be directed to a member of the service team.

      Alternatively, you can email your inquiry to support@tports.com

      Receival standards

      T-Ports receival standards will follow industry best practice and will be based on standards set by Grain Trade Australia, the Australian Oilseeds Federation and Pulse Australia.

      We will be implementing an Eka-developed IT platform used in the grains industry for many years.

      To ensure accuracy and consistency in the classification process, T-Ports will employ the latest technology to automate as much of the process as possible. Automatic truck probes and protein machines will be linked directly to computers, eliminating potential manual data entry errors.

      Harvest Delivery Form

      Copies of the Harvest Delivery Form booklet are available at the Lock and Lucky Bay bunker sites, the Kimba Transport office, Landmark Kimba, Ramsey Bros Cleve and Wudinna, or from Business Development Manager Tim Gurney.

      Product ownership security

      Under the grower warehousing terms and conditions and the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 Cth, any grain delivered to a T-Ports site remains the property of the owner (grower) and not the storage provider.


      Safety is a main pillar of our business and driver safety is paramount on site.

      Enclosed footwear and hi-visibility clothing are essential when undertaking any deliveries to site. There will also be a short driver induction process upon your first delivery.

      Freight Rates

      T-Ports registered Grain Trade Australia freight rate from our Lock site to Lucky Bay is $13.25/t.

      T-Ports registered Grain Trade Australia freight rate from our Kimba site to Lucky Bay is $10.50/t.

      This freight rate has been advised to the trade and may be reflected in the pricing differentials between the sites.

      Eyre Peninsula Freight Group

      T-Ports has developed the T-Ports Eyre Peninsula Freight Group, or T-Ports Freight Service. This group of local carriers from across the catchment zone enables T-Ports to offer an efficient freight service to our grain traders and growers.

      T-Ports is committed to supporting local employment by engaging local carriers and ensuring competition in our catchment zone. It is our aim to ensure the T-Ports EPFG get first preference for all commodities/goods that will be handled by T-Ports.

      The EPFG director is Daniel Gregory from Kimba Transport. If you need any further information on the EPFG please contact Tim Gurney.


      Fill in the form below to sign up to the mailing list & receive harvest information and monthly email updates.

      Delivery site
      Which meeting did you attend?

      T-Ports is a member of Grain Trade Australia. All grain received will be in line with GTA and other industry standards.